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A Typical Day at AME


Our mission is to cultivate and share an educational model that evolves along with our understanding of humanity; focuses on how to learn; applies divergent thinking to bring ideas to innovations; fosters the view of learning as a lifelong pursuit; empowers participants to discover their own path and how each of us can contribute to the greater good.

8:00- Self-Care hour


9:00-11:30- Process School


11:30-12:00 Progress Reporting and Group and Self Evaluation

  • Short daily introductions and creative collaboration; abridged self-care lessons; AME process school model collaborating on week-long projects; discuss reflections, individual growth, and collaborative expansion; daily/weekly analysis of effort and progress.


12:00-1:00 Self-Directed Time

  • Socialize with the residents/ locals. Develop your French and/or Spanish, Eat, play, swim, hang out, care for animals, work in the garden, engage with online learning platforms.


1:00-2:00 Targeted Content Skill Development and End of the Day Tasks.



As we continue developing this model, we are flexible in accommodating different plans and pricing schemes. Please inquire within!

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